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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Teachers: Save Time Now!

Teacher Update
New Reading Comprehension Worksheets

- We added a ton of new sheets this week. Everything is curriculum aligned too! It will save you bucket loads of time!

- Comprehending and Retelling Key Details, Reading Organizers, Information From Text vs. Pictures, Group Reading Activities, Reader Response, and Understanding Themes!

1,640 New Worksheets For You
We are dialing up the number of worksheets that we create each week. Over the last 3 weeks we have added 1,640 new worksheets. If you teach anything related to the Language Arts, you will be PSYCHED! They span all grade levels.
Language Arts Graphic Organizers
Teachers let us know that they needed some help with quality organizers. We responded! You will find the top 30 graphic organizers now available to you.

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