

tgb6yhn4rfv ,Teenagers often u+se ,painkillers to ge+t high, to _party, 'to escape *reality 'or to relieve 'boredom. -Asians o_n aver,age have an L'DL cholesterol +level of l_ess tha'n 95 because o-f their- low fat di.et. 'If you are, not aware of the- horr_ors connected *with bro_nchial asth_ma, you'-re a lucky pers,on! +Can you imagin+e life w,ithout pain? +If .not, this med_ication will t,urn yo.ur world upsi-de down.! Americans spe_nd $1-0 billion* per year on _the statin d,rug, 'Lipitor, alone to fig*ht high cho*lesterol. -Teens 'report man-y reasons for abu*sin.g prescripti,on and over-the+-co'unter drugs* like painkillers+. +Research has s*hown that almo.st all v,arieti_es of disease ca'n b,e produced b+y defici_ency of vitamins*. Oral treat'ment 'is a safe & eff+ective alt'ernativ_e to injec*tions- for adults all,ergic to+ ragwe+ed pollen.. Media imag+es lead u_s to believe that. men are a.lways rea.dy for se+x physical*ly and psychol_ogica*lly. People_ who are obe*se are a*t a much 'higher r,isk for *serious medi.cal conditions an+d disea+ses. Men- make up ,96 % of the _world pr*ison po+pulation. +It is often c*aused by. potency probl.ems. 'Recent res_earch finds that u.se of h.igh-do,se opioids_ does not sig-nificantly_ increase_ risk of death., Asthma_ symptoms- vary ra_nging from _mild episodes o*f breat+hlessness +to per.sistent wheezin-g. Read about_ mos't common brea,thing prob.lem that +affect-s adults, teens,, and kids a+like.. Your potency h_av'e never been t-hat high! ,And yo_u will not se.e it if *you don't+ use this great mo.ment!' Properly chosen_ anti+biotics take, in time' have sav-ed thousan'ds of peoples'' lives. It'_s no -wonder! Quick an*d +risk free relief _from pai_n, do y,ou think it's p*ossibl.e? We'll pro,ve you .it is! Be-lieve me!_ We need ch,olesterol, ,but too much o-f it can i'ncrease -our risk of .developing 'hear-t disease. We a_nno_unce a sea_son of crazy' discounts! Use t+he mome+nt t.o treat your -erectile dysfun-ctio,n now! Ther,e are only 7% 'of me,n are diagnose,d with d,epression co.mpared to. nearl-y 12% of wome'n. Help' yourself ri+ght now othe-rwise all the ,p,eople around you -wil-l need profes-sional h-elp! Hurry, up! What -are the possible _dang+ers of sy*nthetic hum-an growth_ hormone in-jections. Che,ck out the r.esults!+ This month we 'provide al*l our ne,w cus_tomers with a+mazing opport+uni+ty to boo.st the desire! C.linic-al depress'ion include's major depressi,on., dysthymia and bi.polar disor.der. I-t is d-angerous. Most. peopl,e in the U'K and US have high, cholester,ol+. Are you on+e of those poor_ calories* counters'? Although+ these dru-gs have save-d millions _of_ lives, the misus.e of anti,biotics cau'ses, problems. *Cholesterol* is an es+sential componen,t of the m*embrane t_hat -forms the wa*lls of hum,an tissu_e cells. If' you have asthma +i_t is very i-mportant not to sm+oke. and keep .away from smoking- people'! Too muc+h cholesterol_ l'eads to the build-u'p_ of plaque o_n the walls of th+e arteries.. Ouch!+ As any 'other diseas-e asthma dev,elops and' gets re'sistant to+ well-kno-wn medicatio-ns! B,e ready! This inva.luabl*e mixt,ure of natural ingr*edients l'iterally .works miracl+es on imp'otence! Ab,out 95,% of chil,dren with per-sistent -asthma stil*l have sympto,ms in adul.thood (,myself i-ncluded). Resear+chers* have found+ that *vitamin D i,s effective to_ tre+at or prevent all.erg-y to common mold-. Depressio-n i's an overwhelming, fee.ling! It wraps y'ou in d.eep sorrow* and freezes* you_ with angs+t! You may be- given other med+ici+nes| such as -anti-i_nflammatory d*rugs t,o take with ,your painkil-lers. Many peo*ple_ report nausea a+nd sometim,es vomiting- after- takin,g strong pa-in relief, medications. T+his simple a-llergy che_ck li'st is for yo,u to make sur,e t*hat you're ou*t of danger,! Hurry up! Wor.ld has n.ever s.een a painki*lling medicati.on more po*werful t*han- the one we want, to intro'duce! T_he body gener,ally ma,kes all the chole,sterol it. needs. So, we 'should p.ay attention to+ all our food!' *Since the time wh*en im'potence knocked -at my door. I- have tried d'ozens of 'useless dr_ugs! Growth hi.ormone promo,tes_ moods and inc,reases youthf-ul fee-lings i,n people in mid-t_hirties &_ forties. V.itamins _are nec,essary in small -amounts_ for' normal metaboli'sm and, good hea-lth. Remember it,! What +is happines,s for you?+ For me it has+ been n,ormal' sexual a'ctivity, ever sin_ce I los+t my _girlfriend. Ere'ctile d.ysfunction is+ a comm*on problem in me-n be'tween 40+ and 55. Don't p_anic, dude! _A fr-iend of mine ha's tried all. th'e painkillers on t.he market+ and -as soon as n_ew on+e is release,d… Asthma is the' l.eading cause _of hosp_ital admission.s among chi+ldren.. Think about +your ki+d's healt+h! Say HI to long n'ight ful'l o_f sex and passion_! T*his medication w_ill cha'nge ever'ything! Er.ectile dysfunct+ion.. W*hen I fir.st faced+ it I was shocked-! & +so was my' wife. But .we won th'e war! Vitami'ns do not provi-de energ,y directl'y, but they, do h'elp regul,ate the energy-prod*ucin_g proces.ses. African _Americans hav_e an 'increased inciden_ce of a.sthma. than whites. Just- think abo_ut that! ,How do I le*ar+n that spring h'as come? My n_os.e starts runn-ing and' my eyes itch.. It's a-llergy! In ,additio*n to noisy and r*apid breat+hing,- asthma in kids. can cause *freque+nt coughing spel+ls. Fe_el free to imp,rove y_our sex*ual performan'ce and live lo'ng, and happy li*fe of a womani*zer! Im,potenc+e treatment -is versatile a+nd surg.ery should be_ cons,idered as the' dernie.r resort, don-'t hurry I ,believe _with all my h'eart tha.t your 'struggle with ,seasonal ,depression. will b'e successf+ul! Come'n! Vit*amins as_sist in the ,form.ation of ho*rmones, nervous'-syst'em chemica_ls, and 'genetic mat*erial. I have live'd with. chronic degen*erative s,pine pai'n. But* I'm no longer i-n pain. I_ found, my way .out! What is *happiness for +you? For +me it has b-een_ normal sexual act-ivit'y, ever sinc-e I lost my +girlfriend-. Wh.at does your d*octor thin-k abo'ut your heal*th condi*tion and potency?. Show him th+e* medication! Your -symp.toms may als*o vary from -one asthma+ attack to th'e next. B*e ready t-o st.ruggle! Afte.r only a yea+r, the averag*e pillo,w sees a ,10% increa.se in w_eight due to dust *mite i.nfestation. Th'e worst t_hing .one can do is _to take onl*y a few o,f th+e antibiotic pr+escribed.. Don't ,act stup_id! Learn about oth_e_r mental health pro.blems' that may ,co-exist w'ith depressio*n, includin.g anxie.ty. Excess. amount of f*at on your -bott,om looks awful, even if _you hide it un,de_r fashionabl+e jeans! Disco,ver more abo-ut -chronic p*ain and depressio.n,' and learn how' your doct*or might t*reat you. I+n the past, ma+ny people- though+t obesi*ty was simp,ly caused by o*vereating_ & under-e*xerci*sing. Impot,ence treatment is, *versatile an+d surgery shoul-d be ,considered as th_e dernier r'esort, +don't hurry F_or unkno'wn reasons,* the+ incidence of as'th'ma in children is. st+eadily increasing*. Ta*ke care! You may b,e' a sunny soul today-, but tom-or*row depressi.on may suddenly+ spear you. wit+h pure fear!_ Do you know' that n'ausea may be redu+ced i'f paink,illers are taken_ with a+ meal or a+ glass of mi'lk? If+ you have a com+mon cold' don't even t+ry to cure -it- with antibiot.ics – y.ou'll be wastin,g you_r time. Al*l you need ,is sex! T-o make sure your ,l.ife is full of_ sex, try ou,t this brand ,new+ medication +now! M-ost people 'who die from- a severe as*thma atta_ck delayed goin*g* to the ho.spital. Don't' forget- to do! Peopl*e who g'et allergic. symptoms' during the wi*nter seas-on may be al+lergic to m+old *spores. Tell me, .what is th*e r.eason to take a+ntibiotics -if t,hey cannot trea+t your vira'l infe.ction at _all? A 30-ye*ar-old wom*an has cold,s "going in,to her chest,'" causing _cough' and dif'ficulty breath-ing. Many p'eople repo_rt na+usea and s.ometimes _vomiting after tak*ing s,trong pai'n relief- medications. Livin*g wi+th high chole_stero_l isn't a plea+sant g.ame but you c*an cope with i,t if you kn.ow- the rules., Some allergies a+re se-asonal, s*uch as an allerg,y .to ragweed poll'en. They* disapp-ear for a whil*e. Allerg,ic dermatit_is is t'he most common_ skin c'ondition in chi,ldren y'ounger *than age .eleven. Are w'ith your pen*is s.ize and it_s performance?. It's hig,h time to -correct na,ture's mistakes!_ Erectil'e dysfuncti'on m+ay be cau'sed by seriou.s health con+ditions, lik-e hyper.tension* or pressu+re. Allergies_ are the 6t*h lea,ding cause of chro-nic diseas_e in the* United Sta.te_s. Be care_ful, man! D-oes the duration* of you*r sex *depend on the+ length of+ your penis? Let.'s fin+d it ou+t! Impoten_ce ruins more f+amilies than, adulter'y! Isn't 'it a reas*on to t_ake care of you_r sexual he+alth*? Asthma sufferer_s tr,y to escape b,ig cities. and hot' region+s in spring and sum,me'r to avoid* triggers. G+osh, I r.emember that ho+rrible -time wh.en I suffered fr+om depr+ession!- It was awful fo-r everyone! _It is impor+tant to le_t the d'octo,r know if you-r pain comes. back 'before the +next dose is d-ue. Proper -storage a'nd prep'aration of fres.h f,oods can ,minimize the lo*ss of the wate.r-soluble 'vi+tamins. Always _think. twice bef_ore taking. even best an+tibiotics ,as they ca*n do more har,m that good 'to he,alth. People+ with high, blood chole,sterol- often develop' coronary. hear,t disease.* Take care of you'r b_lood! Don't mi+ss thi*s amazing opport-uni.ty to get* rid of your impo'ten'ce forever'! Live long an-d enjoy it! Ma+ny peo+ple bel+ieve that _they should put +off using* str'ong painkillers_ for a's long as possi'ble._ The good thin-g is that th+ere ar*e a lot of differ_e+nt pain treat,ments medication*s that c'an help you!- This +article will+ help _you in your *fight a*gainst agin'g. Find out- what can ,be done wit+h the help' of HGH. *Bronchial 'tubes that ar*e chronical-ly infl_amed ,become overly sens.itive to+ alle_rgens or irritant's. Among -the nu.merous cholester_ol l_owering medica+tions. we have chose,n the best o_nes for. you!+ Our revolutionar.y painkiller, m.ay also be. used for other .conditions *as dete+rmined *by your docto-r. You don'-t have- to suffe_r from impotence* to ta*ke pills that +will d_rive your -sexual pote,ncy sky high.! Chronic _pain is+ hard to l,ive with a*nd many people, take 'prescription pai_nki.llers to s*top it. Th-e body ne,eds vitamins -to stay health'y & a varie,d +diet usually- gives all* the vitamins y'ou need. P_eople who _are obese+ are at a mu*ch highe_r ris+k for serious m+edical- conditio.ns and diseas+es. Normal lev+e+l of sexual activit_y can be *achi*eved with+ the help of su*rgery-, but it is not th+e .way out. Vitam+in D consum'ptio'n plays an im'portant role for- tho-se who suff'er from a+llergies and ast,hm_a. The bad news_ is that _antibiotics ca,n't d-isting_uish betwe,en the "good." and the ".bad" bacteri*a. Cholestero.l i's in dairy foo.ds, fast f.oods, liver,- chocola_te, ready-pr+epared fo,od & many +other foods._ Colds,. influenza a'nd coughs _are cause_d by* viruses not ba+cteria, s,o antibiotic_s will not he*lp. .A man h*aving an erect.ion is not nec*ess,arily ready for se_x. O_ur body' often plays tri*cks 'on us. One 'of the goa*ls of asthma the_rapy _is to pre,vent excess m'ucus prod_uction. *It saves peo,ple's l+ives! The mo.st important -factor of n.utritional *deficienci*es is th-e intense p+rocessing. & refining of' foo_ds. Your life, has* been ruined by +severe pain,? It''s not the t,ime to get depre+ssed, it'-s tim'e to act fast'! Ho*w to find out +how many c,alories you ne'ed to 'take in d,aily to lose _weight? The ,ans_wer is here! When .i.t comes to effec*tive bacte,rial inf-ections t*reatment wh,at you -need is a goo_d anti+biotic. High b_lood cholest+erol lev_el is clo.sely connected. with gr.eater *risk for devel'oping heart d*isease!!! _What *innovation,s can be fo+und in phar'maceu*ticals? Most i_nnovative al*lergy treat-ment for you-! You c-annot outgro'w asthma. T,he symp'toms, .however, ma_y reoccur an,ytime in* adulthoo'd. Reduce your -pain. But do'n't ,forget to see, a d+octor & check if y*our s_ymptoms req-uire pain rel.ief. Obesi-ty is fast b,ecomi.ng the develop.ed world.s biggest -health p'roblem. Prot+ect yoursel+f from_ it! If you'+re on the ed,ge of 'unbearable pain '1 of. the cho.ices is al+coholism!- I don't think it''s your path_. The li-fe expecta_ncy fo,r mild asthm,atics -is the same 'as for thos,e who do n'ot have a-sthma. You mus*t know that_ yo*u are running thro.ugh vitam.in defi.ciency problem+._ Don't waste your t*ime! Som'e peopl.e may _only have asth.ma during exer-cise or ,asthma w.ith viral in-fectio*ns like co.lds. There are m*or+e than 43 million _people who _deal' with sev.ere pain on ,a daily basis'. Learn mo.re! W+hile many +people are, so affected by -al-lergies that *they are d+esperate enoug,h to move so.mewh,ere Does t-he duration. of you.r sex depend on th'e length .of your pe.nis? L*et's fin.d it out! Did y+ou kn*ow, vita-mins are c,lassified b*y their biolog.ical +& chemical activity_, not th-eir struc.ture? Non-bre-ast ch+ildren more _often su+ffer from all+ergies. and ast_hma, than breast,-fed *children,. Even when your_ asthm.a is under cont.rol, it.'s a good idea+ to k.eep using a p*reventer. Do+ you use +it 'now? Bedbugs are *not in fac't dangero_us., They don't sprea+d disease-, their ,bites are, annoying at mo.st. Effect+ive' natural remedies *for asth*ma fo-cus upon und*erstanding root+ *causes of the .disease. Yo'u are old eno.ugh to* under_stand what d-angers are. connecte+d with choles-terol in f_ood you ,eat. Remember., for kid+s with extreme_ly hi.gh cholestero+l, drug tr+eatment s*hould be c.onside_red. Both partne+rs ca'n suffer if. erectile d*ysfunct_ion goes untr+eated. Be respo.nsible to- your 'partne*r. Most natural p*ain relie+vers ca+n be purchased w+ithout_ a prescrip,tion and can .take a.way the pa'in. Antibiot.ics are pow.erful me.dications +that save. people''s life every ot*he,r day. It is simpl_e & eff*ectiv,e While there's no _a'sthma diet, ther-e are* specific guid'elines fo*r eating well- with a'sthma. Antib+iotics for' me are the+ most impo+rtant, medications_ as many _bacteria_ surround us eve.ryw.here. I hate. bacteria an+d I hate whe_n they get- into* my body. This 'antibio*tic makes my li_fe. much easier! .African Ame+ricans- have an incre'ased inc-idence -of asthma than w,hites. Just+ think .about that! *Ones -a person gets, addict*ed to paink.illing drug*s, he is- greatly harmed 'physi+cally and m*entally. I_ managed- to get rid_ of erec+tile dysfunc*tion forev+er and now i .want to s_hare my s.ecret with yo,u! A high cho'les,terol level i's most com,monly due ,to a combina,tion of eati-ng fat and+ not exe-rci*sing. Numerous dep'ress-ive conditions* start. with a stress or' wi_th serio*us health d-isorder. A*re you ok? Althoug.h you m'ay want. to help your* child 'get well, antib'iotics' do no good f,or viral inf.ections. A_sthma- symptoms var-y ranging fr-om +mild episodes of_ breathles*sness to, persiste+nt wheezing., Dust *mites are most_ common _cause of_ year-round all,ergy* problems *and asthm.a in many peo*ple. When 'there is too *much cho,lesterol in+ your b.lood, it bui.lds up in _the w.alls of your art-eries. _Drastic and u+nrealistic *diet & be_havior _changes, lik-e crash _diets c,an seriously +damage- your health! Did y_ou know+ that 'the number of- obese chil+dren +has nearly doubl.ed o_ver the past 20 *years. Well,* I'm not. worried abo'ut _my diet anyway. _I'm on_ good med,ication f*or my chole'sterol problem! ralo_vera Truvada *(Tenof_ovir, emtricita'bine). aggrenox- Lithium -— Depression, Bi,po'lar Disorder, -Mania, Man'ic Depressi_on Imitrex Na*sal Spra+y [imitrex*nasalspray] _(simatri.ptan) Yaz (_Cri-santa LS) (d.rospirenone, *ethinyl est,radiol). W Weekend. Prince — E-rectile Dysfu.nct,ion, Male Enha'ncement, Erect.ion, anti-hist Tylen.ol (Par+acetamol, Ace'tamin*ophen, pai*n, anacin) Clomi+d — O.vulatory Failur,e, I-nduce Ovula_tion, Ovarian, Stimula.tion, Inf.ertility, A.novulat-ion, Fert*ility serophen*e quick-de+tox Zadit*or (ketoti_fen fumarat+e) Vasaka [.vasaka] ,LDL Muscle Rel_a*xant influen.za a vir'us r Shigru '— Arthriti_s, Joint- Pain punarnava Nas,al Spra*y Fre*quency triglycer.ides Vasod*ilan. (Isoxsupri.ne) eskalith Di+abetic N'ephropath*y rocaltrol a-dhd -Solian — ,Antipsychotic, Psy'cho.sis, Schizophre'nia, Bip-olar Disorder, ,Mania,. Depress-ion, Dysthymi+a Renal Dise-ase Myoca+rdial Inf.arction q*uinimax To.pical Anest-hetic 'Lasuna — Ayurve-da, Ch.olesterol, Hype+rcholest-erol*emia, Dysp_epsia, Flatulence +Extrap'yramidal Reac*tions .Hyperten+sion Female Pink V'iagra (F.emale, Viagra, Pink Vi-agra, vi_agra *for women) rest,ricti-ve lung disease O'phtha_care Eye* Drops Comedones *nategli,nide 'Maxalt (Rizatr+iptan, R*izaliv, Ri+zalt) Keto,conazole Cr_eam (nizor,al, Kuric) T'onsill'itis doxederm hu*m_an growth hormone S'tre_p Throat Orgas*m Enhan_cer Prilosec [pr-ilosec.] (Ome-prazole, Antra, Lo'sec) armo*ur t*hyroid Anti Flu+ Face Mask' — Flu, S,wine Flu Ur*sod*iol tenovate Aval.ide —. High Blood Pr'essure, H_ypertensi*on clinofem Cef.adrox+il (duricef) +otikfre'e ear +drops eczema Geodo+n [geo_don] (Ziprasi,done, Zel,dox) Serpin.a [serpina'] thyro,x Women''s Health Sp_erm Count Ventri*cular* Arrhythmia +Acidity s.our stoma.ch amikozit 'nonsup_purative thyroi*dit.is Lotrel [lotrel.] (Benazepri+l Hydr-ochlo*ride, Amlo*dipine Besylate)_ Tofranil *— Depression,_ An.tidepressant, Enu_resis, B,edwetti.ng defanyl par.asitex zyvo-x Pro-Erex_ — 'Erectile 'Dysfunction, *Male Enhanc,ement, Ere.ction, +ED, Impo_tence Adefo.vir (Adefovir- dipiv-oxil) Elimi.te (permethrin, 'Acticin, N-ix, 'Kwellada--P, Lyclear, *Pyrifoam, Q_uellada) 'Maxalt (Rizat_riptan, R'izaliv, R_izalt) sifrol_ Minocycl-ine [minocycl,in_e] (minocin, D-ynacin., Myrac, So*lodyn, Akamin,+ Cynomyci.n, Mesta_cine, Minomyc,in) Diovan (V_als,artan, Valtan, V,alza_ar) Malegra FXT .(Silde_nafil + Fluoxe+ti-ne) [sildenafil+fluox+etine] (sildena.fil cit+rate, fluoxetine., viagr-a, premature+ ejacul+ation,* prozac, saraf.em) Hytrin (Ter*azosin) +Yaz (Crisan.ta LS) Ep'ogen (epoe-tin alfa, E'prex, Pr*ocrit, .Binocrit, Eryp,o, Neorecor.mon) End_ometria_l Cancer Skin I't*ching Tagara Proza_c (Fluoxe.tine, Fonte.x, L_adose, Sarafem, ,Solax,. flouxetine, ,fludac) Me+ntat Pills' Bladder L.eakage _Didan+osine — HIV Azath'ioprine (+imuran, +Azasan) Bedwet'tin'g inderalici- Betapace (Sotal-ol, .Sotalex, Sotac*or) -tendonitis h+igh cholesterol* Max-aman zabel_ anthrax f.lohale flovent *VPXL (p.enis growth-, pe*nis enlarger), Punarnava ap*riso Tachyca'rdia v+iani tri-nasa+l tadal-afil Griseofulv-in — Ant'ibio+tic, Skin In*fections, Antifu.ngal,_ Jock .Itch, Athlete,'s Foot,+ Ringworm, Der.matophyto'sis, Ba_rber's Itch' Exelon — 'Alzheimer'-s Disease, D.ementi.a, Parkins+on's Disease* Female R*X Plus Liq_uid [femaler+xplusliquid] F'uruncle *HIV c_ezin Vitamins Mobic, (Meloxic+alm, M.ovalis+, Melox, Re-coxa, Moxen+, Mobec, Mobico'x, Tenaron, _Melocam, p-ain), opatan+ol Frontier ('Frontline) 2'2-44 lbs [fr*ontie-r] (frontline,, fiproni'l) Blac-k Cialis (Tadal+afi.l) N Naltre.xone (Revia,. Depade) Blo+od Clo'ts cognitive e,nhancemen*t Solian +(amisul'pride) op-ticare ointment. Eye Pre+ssure Si'ngulair — Asthm'a, Bronchos+pasm, All-ergy r*epaglinide o_mnatax Toxic Sh.ock Syn_drome Meg*a Hoodia — W'eig-ht Loss, Ob'esity corvitol v,ast-arel mr Am*oxicillin (.Amoxycillin,* Actimoxi, Al*phamox, AMK, ,Amoksibo*s, Amoxicl,av Sandoz, +Amoxil, Amo*xi,n, Amoksiklav, Am_oxibiotic+, Amoxi_cilina,* Apo-Amoxi, Bact*ox, 'Betalaktam, Cilamo_x,- Curam, Ded,oxil, Disperm.ox, D-uomox, Enhancin, *Gimalxina, -Geramox, H+iconcil,- Isimoxin-, Klavox,+ L) Skin live+r prot+ection ,18 Zithroma+x (Azithromyci-n, APO-A,zithromycin, Zi+throma*c, Vinzam, Z'max,+ Sumamed, Z'itrocin, Aziswift,, z-pak, Zi_tromax,* ATM, Aztrin', Zitr*ocin, Azib_iot, Azifine, A'ziCi,p, Azi Sand*oz, Azocam, *Bactizith) ,1.21%' Lioresa,l (Baclofen, Ke*mstro, -Baclospas, pai_n, mu,scle relaxer, m.uscle rela*xant) 'olmesart.an medoxomil pye_lo_nephritis evoc+lin erecti_le rysfunc'tion Sl'eepWell elocon +cream ProSo+lution+ [proso*lution] (penis _growth,. penis enlarger) .Actonel +[ac.tonel] (Ris+edronic acid, ,risedronate+ sodiu+m, osteo.porosis, Av-estra, Norsed-, Optinate, Os_teoclax, Os'teonate,, Rib.astamin, Ris-ofos) Clonidin'e (Catapre.s, Dixari-t, ad.hd, Duraclone) Fos'a+max (Alendronic aci'd, Alendro.nate sod,ium) .Zinc — Mineral, Supplemen,t dysthymia