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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Teachers - June Reading Worksheets

======== English Worksheets Land - Update =========

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1) Ready For June? You Got This!

At this point in time all teachers are running on empty. June is really tough time to be creative, as a teacher. We are overwhelmed at all levels. When you need help always check out our website for instant ideas.

Get everything right here:


2) New Reading Comprehension Worksheets

If you read Teacher Quarterly, at all, you might have noticed that our Reading Comp. section is highlighted in the last issue. See what everyone is talking about here:


3) New Phonics Worksheets...

Many Reading Teachers have been looking for new blending and decoding worksheets. You will find a whole bunch of new worksheets ready for you now. We added 85 phonics worksheets. View and print the phonics worksheets here:


4) Spelling Worksheets

We are working with a team of curriculum developers to focus on the 400 most common words for each grade level. This is a truly must see section:


5) Expanded Reading Worksheets

We look at very unique aspects of bodies of work. This is the section where you find those knowledge nuggets you were looking for.

View the worksheets here:


6) Sentence Writing Worksheets

This is an awesome section of worksheets for young writers. Make sure to see some of your favorites.

Please view them here:

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