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Monday, April 24, 2017

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======== English Worksheets Land - Update =========

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4) Cinco De Mayo English Language Arts Worksheets

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I have a tip to share with you

In less than 2 days, this stock will go up 20 times overnight.

I've done a lot for you over the years and you've made an insane amount of profits listening to me.

Today and tomorrow is your last chance to seize the opportunity before it disappears.

My good friend who works at a firm I will not mention in upstate NY told me that a big takeover is about to happen.

A little American biopharma company discovered a new treatment for cancerous tumors and one of the biggest companies (starts with a P) is going to announce the official takeover on Wednesday (in 2 days).

The price at which this will happen more than 20 times what their stock is trading at now. Literally at 23 bucks a share from a current 80 cents.

Write this symbol down, it's the first letter of each word: Quest Science Management Gate that's q followed by s then m and g

This is the 4 letter symbol you need to tell your broker you want to buy, or just type it in yourself in your brokerage.

I hope you're ready to make it big. I expect a big thank you and an invite for steak this weekend.

Best Regards,
Minerva Durham

This time sensitive information could make you very wealthy

If you missed my heads up over this last week and a half, this is finally your time to act because in just 48 hours something big is going to happen.

This is probably the last time that I will contact you with this information.

My friend at goldman gave me a call over the weekend and told me that the big acquisition we�ve been waiting for is going to occur on Wednesday. The day after tomorrow.

Pfizer is going to complete the purchase of QSMG (a small, public company) at a price of 23.79 dollars a share. For those of you doing the math out there, that's approximately 30 times higher than where the stock is at now.

If you're wondering why it's happening at such a high price, that�s because these guys just completed human trials on a cancer drug which has proved to be effective in around 40% of cases, and big pharma wants this for itself.

I suspect that I am not the only one who might have heard of this news so the stock may start climbing today and tomorrow before the big announcement becomes public on Wednesday evening.

This is quite literally the chance of a lifetime. If you miss out, you'll probably never be able to make 30x on your money so fast again.

Ten grand into QSMG today will turn into a quarter million bucks by Thursday.

King Regards,
Glen Rowland

This time sensitive information could make you very wealthy

If you missed my heads up over this last week and a half, this is finally your time to act because in just 48 hours something big is going to happen.

This is probably the last time that I will contact you with this information.

My friend at goldman gave me a call over the weekend and told me that the big acquisition we�ve been waiting for is going to occur on Wednesday. The day after tomorrow.

Pfizer is going to complete the purchase of QSMG (a small, public company) at a price of 23.79 dollars a share. For those of you doing the math out there, that's approximately 30 times higher than where the stock is at now.

If you're wondering why it's happening at such a high price, that�s because these guys just completed human trials on a cancer drug which has proved to be effective in around 40% of cases, and big pharma wants this for itself.

I suspect that I am not the only one who might have heard of this news so the stock may start climbing today and tomorrow before the big announcement becomes public on Wednesday evening.

This is quite literally the chance of a lifetime. If you miss out, you'll probably never be able to make 30x on your money so fast again.

Ten grand into QSMG today will turn into a quarter million bucks by Thursday.

King Regards,
Mia Roy

The result of searching